For this week’s bier we have chosen PINK FROST brewed by ‘Yeastie Boys.’ It is a 4.4% pale ale. Bonus points if you already know that it shares its name with the classic song, ‘Pink Frost’ by New Zealand band ‘The Chills.’ This beer works great as refreshing winter warmer.
Tasting Notes:
The light fruity burst will happily quench your thirst before you’re sucked into a blissful winter wonderland of festive spices. A delicate, perfumy hibiscus note on the nose with a hint of citrus and bready grains from the oat and the wheat.
The Mouthfeel is full for such a pale beer, but is still very light and elegant. The bier finishes with a cleansing acidity, a faint spicy note and cleans the palate perfectly.